Harvest Your Portfolios After-Tax Potential.
Tax efficient direct index solutions to exceed your client portfolio needs
SmartHarvest Direct Index Solutions.
We build personalized direct index SMA solutions with an emphasis on tax loss harvesting and custom beta/index exposure. We capture index returns pre-tax and deliver superior returns after-tax. Tired of settling for benchmark returns? Ask us how.
Tax Management.
Through careful tax loss harvesting, tax lot consideration, and daily portfolio management, we seek to outperform index returns on an after-tax basis.
Detailed Client Reporting.Detailed reporting is created to help make conversations with your clients easy. Custom reports, transition reports, and others are at your disposal.
Direct Indexing.
Select an index of your choice or create your own exposure with a blend of indices. We do the heavy lifting by trading the account and your client will own the individual securities in their own unique SMA.
Customization.We can help you create custom exposure to target factors, socially responsible investing and more.
“Taxes are the biggest expense that investors face – more than commissions, more than investment management fees ... It's not brains or brawn that matter in taxable investing; it's efficiency. Taxable investing is a loser's game. Those who lose the least — to taxes and fees — stand to win the most when the game's all over."
- James Garland
Tax Alpha In Real Life.
Four decades of published academic studies have found a tax-loss-harvesting strategy yields a before-transaction-cost tax alpha of over 1.00% per year. Ask us how to implement this in your portfolios today.
All the Tools You Need to Succeed.
Click here to learn more about how we can improve your after-tax performance through tax management.
Click here to learn more about direct indexing, index/beta selection, and designing your own index blend.
Click here to learn more about customizing your portfolios through the lens of ESG/SRI, factors, and more.
We Are Proud To Call Them Our Partners.
Partnering with the industry's leading providers of portfolio management and analytical tools to deliver you the best tax loss harvesting index SMA investment experience.
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